Exam/Test Committee
Responsibilities of this Committee include, but are not limited to, development and revision of exam questions to ensure that questions are effective and accurately measures clinical knowledge. This includes that answers are in accordance with best available evidence to support clinical practices in dysphagia.
Estimate of # Hours Needed Per Month: 1-2
Public Relations & Communications Committee (PRCC)
Responsibilities of this Committee include, but are not limited to, social media outreach, creating the Easy2Digest newsletter, and website management. This requires collaboration with other AB-SSD Committees.
Estimate of # Hours Needed Per Month: 1-3
Mentorship Committee
Responsibilities of this Committee include, but are not limited to, development of quarterly mentor news, maintenance of mentorship committee resources on the website, formation of surveys, and updating/conducting mentor trainings.
Estimate of # Hours Needed Per Month: 1
Mentor New Applicants
Are you interested in supporting others who are considering or already in the process of pursuing Board Certification in Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders? We invite you to volunteer to mentor BCS-S candidates/protégés. After a short training call, you will be assigned your first candidate/protégé. Activities include an initial phone call with your new protégé and several follow up emails at mutually agreed upon times between you and your protégé. As a mentor, you may have 5-7 protégés in total.
Estimate of # Hours Needed Per Month: 1
Continuing Education
Develop and plan continuing education events. Solicit speakers to give new webinar presentations. Help with planning and organization of The Swallowing Symposium: Advocating and Innovating (formerly Meet the Masters). Provide input to ASHA Convention Program Planning Committees.
Estimate of # Hours Needed Per Month: 1
Applications Committee
Committee members are restricted to include current or previous board members. Responsibilities of this Committee include, but are not limited to, revision of application materials (as needed), as well as the review of submitted applications to determine if the applicant is eligible to move onwards to the exam portion.
Estimate of # Hours Needed Per Month: 2-3
Volunteer Form
If you would like to volunteer to help AB-SSD with committee work, review the list and fill out the volunteer
interest form below. The Administrative office will follow up with you
based on your indicated interests.
Please note: You must have your BCS-S to volunteer for our committees.